The Transpersonal card of SoulEssence

Soul Essence

“May the stream of my life flow into the River of Goodness.
May the bonds of my ignorance be loosened that I may be free.
May the thread of my song not be cut while I sing,
And let not the work of my life end before its fulfillment.”

–Rig Veda 11:28

What is SoulEssence?

In the practice of SoulCollage®, the three Transpersonal cards are Source, SoulEssence, and Witness. These cards represent the Oneness Beyond Form. Though these cards point to Oneness, they cannot adequately represent its vast mysterious reality.

In SoulCollage® Evolving, Seena B. Frost describes SoulEssence as “the spark of Source within each Soul, and within each living thing. It is formless potential and without Shadow, and therefore SoulEssence does not have a voice you can intuit to answer questions. SoulEssence is the personal calling which nudges and directs, and gives a special reason to be alive. It’s the quintessential-ness of a being, ever-present and immortal.”

Much like the acorn carries the coding for the oak tree, SoulEssence is our unique, divine coding. When you observe very young children, or remember your own childhood, SoulEssence is apparent in the child’s “natural-born” interests, inclinations, and gifts. Family members wonder why the child plays School all day when the family is full of athletes or why the child is always building things when the family is full of writers and artists. I’ve observed the unique SoulEssence of each of my seven grandchildren and now I am curious how SoulEssence will manifest in my two great grandsons!

Even as a petite child, my granddaughter Madeline was the One Who Energetically Takes Charge of any situation. At age four, when stage fright interrupted a dance recital, she coolly led her older ballet class members to forge ahead, finishing victoriously. Applying unusual self-discipline as a young gymnast, Maddie was always willing to put in the hard work to reach her goals. Now in her twenties, Madeline continues to show up and take charge. That tiny acorn has grown into a mighty towering oak. She is an amazing popular leader, known for her competent, in-charge, no-nonsense approach to life. Look out world, here she comes!


Seena wrote that when a Soul is on track, manifesting its SoulEssence coding in the world, the Soul feels balanced and happy. “Our SoulEssence is a gift that we can never lose no matter how covered over and hidden it becomes. In the moments when we succeed in doing this we will probably experience our life as happy, no matter what the external circumstances. However, gradually our intuitive knowing dims as our Committee Neters try to manage life’s experiences. Shadowed Neters such as competition, fear, laziness, egotism may dim the message from our SoulEssence.”

Seena reassures us, “Even though we may ignore the signals, SoulEssence never vanishes. SoulEssence will flow whether we pay attention or not. It will guide us. It will compel us. It will make use of our blunders and our discoveries.”


When the twin pandemics of Covid-19 and Fear began to surface a few months ago, my first question was “What should I do to respond to all this pain and suffering?” Around the same time, excruciating pain in my right shoulder began sapping my energy. There was definitely a Disturbance in the Force! Through many sleepless nights, the same question haunted me, “How should I be helping now?”

No answers came. I felt lost, panicked at the rare experience of being estranged from SoulEssence. None of my dreams for service seemed possible. I reluctantly wondered if old age had defeated me. I considered retiring from service of any kind. Most importantly, I began asking the pain-body for its wisdom.

I decided to postpone any vocational decisions until I’d fulfilled my commitment to teach a 90-minute KaleidoSoul class on my work with Walking the Beauty Way. I told myself to power through and observe what guidance might surface.

April 19 came, and lo and behold, 48 people showed up and were completely engaged with diving deep into the Neter of Beauty! I was in the flow of my SoulEssence. Thank Goodness! That night, for the first time in months, the shoulder pain vanished, allowing me to sleep through the night. The pain is healed now.

The pain-body sent its wisdom in the form of many dream symbols. Their message: “Once again, Marti, your Should-er Neter causes you pain. Notice how you feel when you are in the grip of your many Shoulds. Notice how different you feel when you are in the flow of your unique calling. Your SoulEssence is about serving Life through your faithful attunement to the vibration of Beauty. Walk the Beauty Way and immerse yourself in its transformative healing, its vitality and balanced aliveness.”



If you’ve created your SoulEssence card,

  • Take it out, along with your journal and pen.
  • Create a sacred space and commune with your SoulEssence card.

Possible Journal questions you might ask yourself…

  • What are my earliest memories of expressing my SoulEssence?
  • What were moments when I felt most alive, most like ‘me’?
  • How did family and friends react when I expressed my SoulEssence?
    • Was I affirmed or mocked or shamed or?
    • What was my internal response to these reactions?
    • As I grew up, did those reactions impact my ability to embrace and express my SoulEssence?
  • Currently, how do I know when I’m in the flow of my SoulEssence?
  • What Neters can encourage or discourage me from being in the flow of my SoulEssence?


If you do not yet have a SoulEssence card, explore your deck for clues. Whether you have a card or not, your SoulEssence is alive and present!

Take out your SoulCollage® deck, your journal and pen.

  • Call upon your Neter of Curiosity to help you discover more about your SoulEssence.
    • Look in all four Suits for clues about your SoulEssence.
    • Notice the symbolic patterns of free flowing aliveness in the cards that may reveal your unique SoulEssence.
    • Pull these cards out and look at them more closely.
  • What do they have in common—symbols, colors, people, animals, etc.?
    • Listen carefully when each card reveals its messages about your unique SoulEssence.
  • Fortified with this wisdom, trust that the exact right images for your SoulEssence will appear at the exact right time.

Interacting with my Transpersonal cards.

Transpersonal Cards; Witness, Source, SoulEssence

Here is a photo of my Transpersonal cards. They serve as a trifold screen, setting sacred space when I make SoulCollage® cards. I followed Seena’s guidance to make the Transpersonal cards a different size. Instead of the 5”X 8” size of my deck’s Neters, my three Transpersonal cards are each 9 inches square. Though I covered them with tape, by now they’re kind of battered yet so beloved! By the way, after nearly setting fire to the house, I do NOT keep a lit candle near my card-making space!

I also took Seena’s suggestion to mount the Witness and SoulEssence images on top of Source image. From the beginning, I was told to “trust the process” in searching for my Source image. Sound familiar? Though it took me several years before I found the right image, when it appeared I knew beyond a doubt that it was my Source image! After that, SoulEssence card was easy to create. Though I didn’t know its name at the time, the Transpersonal Witness was the second card I made way back in 2005!

Dear Friends, cherish being in the flow of your SoulEssence. More than ever before, the world needs you to express it!

May you walk in Beauty now and all the days of your life,

This column originally appeared in the June 2020 issue of SoulSongs, a free monthly newsletter of

7 Replies to “The Transpersonal card of SoulEssence”

  1. Bae A Emilson

    I so appreciate the reminder about soul essence. I’ve been doing so research in family history and found my Mother’s report that she wanted to be a nurse, but her father wanted her to go to business school. She decided not to go to college as a teenager. But, in mid-life after her children were out of the house, she started life in a new city. She sought and was successful getting a job which provided training for a shift supervisor position in a hospital Central Supply department. She followed her soul essence and loved her 10 years in the role.

  2. A. C. Moore

    A beautiful essay, Marti, and so relevant. I always enjoy and benefit from these gifts you share with us. SoulEssence is shining thoughout our transforming times. Appreciate this reminder and all you do to serve Beauty in our lives. ~ Alia

  3. Lori Harris

    Thank you, Marti, for your insight once again. Although I already have transpersonal cards, I am going to act on the suggestions you make to those without a card. I plan to go through my deck to see where and when SoulEssence manifests itself in other cards. I Always appreciate your nudges to “dive deeper”.

    • Marti BeddoeMarti Beddoe Post author

      Beautiful Kate,
      Thank you for your comment. As I described, there’s a price to NOT heeding the call to be in the flow of my SoulEssence. these days, I am witnessing more people shining their SoulEssence out in service to the higher truth of Justice.
      Sending you lots of love, dear one.

  4. Marti BeddoeMarti Beddoe Post author

    Dear Carol,
    Thank you for your kind comments. I am glad the practices are useful to you. Part of the Beauty Way is discovering the beauty and calm within. We are mirrors for one another. Have a peaceful day, dear one. Love, Marti

  5. Carol Lonsdale

    Thank you Marti. I printed your article from KaliedoSoul and am working with the practices, as well as rereading the article to immerse myself in the “essence” of your message! You have become a calm place in my day to day life. ❤️


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