Dear Friends,

Last month’s blog post, Contemplating the Beauty of Truthfulness, celebrated those who are capable of discerning their truth and then standing up for it despite the disapproval of cherished others, peer pressure and cultural norms, and/or opposition by formidable authority figures, a.k.a., the Powers That Be.

This month I would like to share some useful practices I’ve learned that reveal HOW best to wisely express and act upon my truth.

  • Have you ever been so convinced of the truth and rightness of a particular thought that you were willing to defend it until death or at least debate it until the other person saw the error of their ways and conceded?
  • Do you spend a lot of time persuading, cajoling, debating, demanding or trying to convince others to see the correctness of your point of view?
  • Is your happiness dependent on being right, on making sure the other person agrees with you?

Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?  Why?  What are the costs and benefits revealed by your answer?  What are the values revealed by your answer? 

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