Coaching SoulCollage® Facilitators
in Circle Way Practices
Circle as a Way of Life
I have been a PeerSpirit/Circle Way Practitioner since 2000. Since then circle has become a way of life for me, a way to create clear communication and more intimacy in all my important relationships. Circle practice has met my deep need for autonomy, interdependence, authentic connection, fairness and justice, and for celebrating the many gifts of people who are different than me.
Synergy of SoulCollage® and Circle Way Practices
I learned the Circle Way from my beloved mentors Ann Linnea and Christina Baldwin who are among many leaders around the world who have brought the ancient practice of Circle into our modern era. (Their work, originally named PeerSpirit Circling, has evolved into the legacy known as the The Circle Way, a global network of Circle Practitioners.)
Circle Way practice is much more than chairs arranged in the round. Circle Way invites each one who sits in those chairs to be a leader, to be open and to take responsibility for the reason the group has gathered. It is authentic democracy in action. We modern people who sit in those chairs are sparked by something familiar in our collective memory when we pass the talking piece while listening respectfully and speaking intentionally about our shared purpose. Perhaps we share an ancient memory of the deep satisfaction that comes from collective original thinking and problem-solving.
When I first encountered SoulCollage® in 2005, it was natural to call a circle of my friends to share and explore this wonderful new experience together. Now, 14 years later, we still meet monthly to learn, share, and celebrate our lives using SoulCollage® and Circle Way practices. We rotate leadership and, although I am the only SoulCollage® Facilitator and Circle Way Practitioner, each of us has taken responsibility for learning both practices. Our peer circle has become a special sanctuary for us to witness each other as we say YES to SoulCollage®’s invitation to Discover Your Wisdom. Change Your World.™
“Marti co-mingles the Circle Way and SoulCollage® into a magic elixir. Her commitment as Guardian of the Sanctuary and Advocate of the Soul are offered with a generous heart and integrity. I have benefited greatly from her wise council and impeccability.”
Laura Seligman, SoulCollage® Facilitator, Ann Arbor, Michigan
My Coaching Services
Peer SoulCollage® Circles
Are you looking for a way to create your own peer SoulCollage® circle where leadership and responsibility are shared equally, where everything is not resting solely on your shoulders? A circle where you feel safe to relax into a deeper level with your own process trusting that confidentiality will be honored?
Perhaps you just haven’t had the energy to take on one more “to do”, yet you know in your heart of hearts that self-care and creating your own circle community will enrich your personal and professional life. If you would like to learn more about the specific benefits of integrating Circle Way practices into your own new or existing circle,
Click here to request a free consultation.
“Marti’s coaching was essential in getting me started with my regular SoulCollage® Peer circles. Her deep knowledge of the process, her gentle nudgings and her tremendous support empowered me to launch into this adventure with enthusiasm and confidence that within the structure she provided, the creative process would be free to unfold in safety and harmony. I can now say that I love being a ‘space holder.’
Janine K., SoulCollage® Facilitator, Eastern Ontario, Canada
Thank you Marti, for your generosity of heart and your skilled coaching.”
Using Circle Way Practices to Facilitate SoulCollage® Classes
Since becoming a SoulCollage® Facilitator in October 2007, I teach all my classes within the safe container of Circle Way practices. Students are quick to adapt to its structure and are relieved to have their personal boundaries honored in a clear, neutral way. This approach enriches the SoulCollage® practices of card-making, “I Am One Who…” sharing, and readings.
Circle Way practices offer the Facilitator a process for establishing clear agreements that gracefully help students honor personal boundaries and guard the SoulCollage® process. Unlike many settings where the one with the loudest voice dominates, agreements provide guidelines so students join the Facilitator in taking responsibility for their own learning and for creating a sanctuary environment where sacred space is the norm.
I have coached many SoulCollage® Facilitators in using circle practice to enhance their own teaching or to deepen their peer support. They report a renewed joy and lightness of being as they approach their work. Each situation is unique. Together, we can create a plan that fits your special situation.