“Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.
Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world
that we must love our enemies – or else?
The chain reaction of evil – hate begetting hate,
wars producing more wars – must be broken,
or else we shall be plunged
into the dark abyss of annihilation.
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love
will have the final word in reality.
This is why right, temporarily defeated,
is stronger than evil triumphant.
I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Love is the only force capable of transforming
an enemy into friend.
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive.
He who is devoid of the power to forgive
is devoid of the power to love.
There is some good in the worst of us
and some evil in the best of us.
When we discover this,
we are less prone to hate our enemies.“
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear Anam Caras,
I’m happily dedicating the last phase of my life to mastering and teaching about the Beauty Way. To walk the Beauty Way is to live in Harmony with Life as it is unfolding.
This is no small or meek aspiration. It requires many skillful means, practical actions and spiritual practices along with a strong intention and dedication to living joyfully in the Here and Now.
Today, we are depleted in so many ways: emotionally, financially, physically, and psychically. We are stretched thin, exhausted and overwhelmed with what Life is demanding of us. Formerly solid foundations are crumbling under our feet. There is the heart-wrenching divisions between families and communities.
We find ourselves rejecting and resisting the uncertainty and sense there is no light at the end of the tunnel. What to do in the face of so much that seems beyond our control?
For me, one answer involves turning to the life-affirming act of Creating. Humans create first with thinking a new thought, then speaking it, and acting on it. Creativity is manifesting thought.
Recently I had the sacred privilege of witnessing the Beauty/Harmony Mandalas made by members of the Walking the Beauty Way Circle that I guide. It was a time of reverence, joyous surprise, and downright awe. To stand before their creations was such a balm to my soul. It was clear that each member had been transformed by new thoughts and images that emerged during their creative process walking the path of Beauty.
I encourage you, dear Anam Caras, to ask your soul what it needs you to be creating these days. What is the medicine that you can manifest in creating a new thought, a new sense of being in Harmony with Life, at this time?
My August 11, 2018 essay also addresses that question. So please enjoy it here again.
“Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.
The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.“
–L. R. Knost
My Watchword practice this year is to explore how my Watchword, “CHERISH What Is,” is given expression in the 12 Key Life Arenas or the 12 Houses of the horoscope.
Each month, my Watchword practice asks me to explore what “CHERISH What Is” looks like in the current astrological House. On August 22, 2020, the Sun moves into the sign of Leo which has its natural home in the Fifth House.
Here are the 12 cycle dates. Here are the descriptions of the 12 Houses.
The Fifth House is sometimes known as the pleasure house. Mystics call the Fifth House the house of god consciousness since the greatest pleasure in life is god consciousness.
The Fifth House is the Natural home of LEO. Leo is a fiery and fixed sign. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center of our universe. The Sun is our self-awareness as an ego-identity capable of being the creative principle in our own life.
Leo is the state of consciousness of “I Will”. Leo is the urge to live creatively and joyfully. It is symbolized by the mighty Lion, King of the beasts as well as the archetype of King, the charismatic and willful leader of humans.
The Fifth House is the Life Arena concerned with one’s…
Romantic love
Children and other physical creations
All manner of fun, pleasure, joy and relaxation.
God Consciousness
I’m grateful to Swami Pranananda and Swami Navagrahananda for sharing their deep knowledge of astrology. If you’d like some help with the Watchword practice, please let me know via our Contact page. I am happy to coach you so you can get comfortable. I invite you to share your experiences in the Comments section below.
- Make a SoulCollage® card for this year’s Watchword. Keep it out so you may contemplate it daily.
- This month we are in House Five. In this new cycle, reflect and record your insights about the aspects of that Life Arena/House. For each cycle, make a new card to represent how that Watchword manifests in the corresponding new House.
- Journal about the House Five card. See PDF here to help you dialogue with it. Step into the card and ask it to…
- Tell me about yourself. Listen carefully and take notes when you hear the answers.
- “I Am One Who…”
- Keep listening and allow for a kind of stream-of-consciousness answer.
- What do you have to give me?
- What do you want me to remember? Or, what do you want from me?
- How will I remember your message?
- (What will trigger me to remember your message? Perhaps a color, sound, fragrance, form or symbol, etc.)
“What you are, the world is.
And without your transformation,
there can be no transformation of the world.”
–-J. Krishnamurti
Peace be unto you, dear Anam Caras. May you find Harmony in creating new constructive thoughts, words and actions. May you stick with love and become an ever greater blessing to all you encounter. May your Heart-Light be a beacon for those who are discouraged and in despair at this time.
May you walk in Beauty today and all the days of your life, dear ones. With great love and respect,

Take a break from the anxious churning of the endless news cycles. Instead, enjoy these enlightening offerings:
CELEBRATE WHAT’S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD! | Dewitt Jones | TEDxSouthLakeTahoe (18 minute video featuring gorgeous photography)
Inspiration from Grandmother and all-round wise woman Christina Baldwin about using our Superpowers
Many thanks. Marti, for another inspiring and fortifying post! I love your dedication to living and teaching about the Beauty Way and how you offer your beautiful light to this amazing world. So grateful for all I’ve learned about the power of Beauty in my life through your treasured friendship.
Namaste dearest Alia Christine. Thank you for your kind words. I am deeply grateful for all your great wisdom and support for Walking the Beauty Way. Okagesamade, dear friend.
Ahh Marti, always inspiring. I so appreciate the voice you hold out in the world. You and your purple hair, as I say these days: shazam! and love, CB
Back at ya, Christina, and many purple shazams to you! Thank you for all you give me and the world, Christina. Love, love, love.
Dear Marti,
This one sentence in your article says it all for me:
“Humans create first with thinking a new thought, then speaking it, and acting on it. Creativity is manifesting thought.”
Too often we think of creativity only as the work of skilled hands, or the artistic expression of the truly gifted. Creativity as manifesting thought is so inspiring for me—perhaps because I love to talk so much!—but seriously because I am aware of the tremendous impact new thoughts put into words have had on my life, on my ability to see things in a new, more creative way.
To speak my truth, to say what I really mean, right here, right now—that is creativity too.
Thank you, dear Friend!
Mary Ann Reed
Thank you, Grandmother Mary Ann, for your wisdom and eloquence. When the Grandmothers speak, the Earth will heal. Love, love, love.