An online circle
Exploring the healing power of Beauty
through SoulCollage®, Meditation, & Harmony Self-Promises©
Registration has CLOSED.
If you would like to hear about 2021 Walking the Beauty Way offerings, please contact me using this link.

Beauty is not in the face.
Beauty is a light in the heart. — Kahlil Gibran
Helping someone else through difficulty
is where civilization starts. — Margaret Mead
What Is The Beauty Way?

Walking the Beauty Way is to live harmoniously with all of Life as it is unfolding; to live in harmony with the Divine, with the natural world, with our own self, with our loved ones, and with our communities.
This Beauty Way is to be aware and attuned to the essence of Beauty, not to particular forms or superficial aesthetics. The Beauty Way cultivates the skillful means of awareness, intention, community, spiritual practice, and ceremony. These nourish and support us as we walk this path together.
The “Beauty Way” is derived from ancient indigenous wisdom that a life without Beauty is soul-crushing and toxic for the mind and body. Today we are living in a world devastated by twin pandemics: Covid-19 virus and Fear. Many lives have been lost and our social fabric is frayed and torn.
Our communities need people who are willing to shine their heart-lights and call forth the restorative, healing presence of Beauty in our world.
An Invitation
WBW Circles are for those who yearn for a supportive community intent on bringing more Healing Light to our darkened world. I invite you to attend the Walking the Beauty Way Circle and join a growing flotilla of Light-Bearers carrying hope and possibility to struggling souls.
We feel most alive
in the presence of the Beautiful
for it meets the needs of our soul.
— John O’Donohue
The Walking the Beauty Way Circle

The purpose of the Walking the Beauty Way Circle is to provide you with a transformative experience of the healing power of Beauty and the practical skills that help you embody your intention to serve as a healing agent of Beauty in the world.
The circle is designed with these three aims in mind:
- To launch your lifelong attunement to the vibration of Beauty and to experience its power to bring genuine healing to yourself and others.
- To nourish and support your aspiration to serve Life by bringing the healing essence of Beauty into the world.
- To equip you with the practical skills and spiritual practices of Meditation, SoulCollage®, and Harmony Self Promises©. These tools are foundational to living harmoniously with all of Life as it is unfolding Now.
Your Beauty Way Circle Guide
Marti Beddoe is a seasoned SoulCollage® Facilitator with 25 years of experience leading spirituality circles. For 50 years Marti has engaged consciously with the Neter of Beauty. She has witnessed the healing, transformative power of Beauty in her own life and in the lives of her community and students. Marti has been a meditator and meditation teacher in the Kriya Yoga lineage for over fifteen years. Since 2016, she has brought the wisdom of Walking the Beauty Way to small circles, on retreat, and in one-to-one mentoring. It’s now time to share this wisdom online.
The Format
The Walking the Beauty Way Circle is designed as six 90-minute online Zoom sessions. If you are unable to attend a Circle in person, you can access all recordings the next day. You can listen online OR download the class as an MP3.
When are the Sessions?
- Sundays at 2:00–3:30 P.M. Eastern U. S. Time
- June 21, July 5, July 19, August 2, August 16, August 30, 2020
- For other time zones visit
The Walking the Beauty Way Circle Offers You
- Participation in six 90-minute online Beauty Way Circles.
Our live Zoom sessions fortify your depth exploration of the Neter (essence) of Beauty and its potential to be a healing force in serving Life. Video recordings and MP3 audio downloads of all 6 circles are available in case you miss a live event, providing you a valuable resource. - Support and encouragement to actively participate in the live online circles.
- Circles are designed to be safe places to share your journey on the path of Beauty.
- Your wisdom and energy are needed and wanted! You will connect with kindred souls who intend to share their unique healing gifts in this difficult time.
- As a Beauty Way Circle member, you will actively engage in the healing practices of Meditation, SoulCollage®, in-depth Journaling activities, and Harmony Self-Promises®.
- The online circles will include Beauty Toolkit lessons and practices and time to interact with Marti and other circle members. Note: While your active participation is encouraged, it is always your choice to share your experiences.
- The Beauty Way Treasure Chest was created to ground you in the Beauty Way practices of SoulCollage®, meditation and Harmony Self-Promises©. You will learn ways to sustain the harmonious vibration of Beauty in your life, bringing you calm, equanimity, and clarity.
- Handouts and resources for each of the 6 online circles.
- Other encounters full of Surprise, Synchronicity, and the Sacred.
- Generous email support from Marti to answer any questions you may have in between circles.
- Participation in a private Facebook group to support you in the Beauty Way practices and promote supportive heart-connections among circle members.
To be beautiful means to be yourself.
You don’t need to be accepted by others.
You need to accept yourself. — Thich Nhat Hanh
What You Offer as a Beauty Way Circle Member
- Your wholehearted intention to utilize the Beauty Way practices so you may bring your unique healing energy to yourself and others in service to Life .
- Your active participation in the online circles and engagement in the Beauty Way practices of Meditation, SoulCollage®, journaling, and Harmony Self-Promises©.
- Your commitment to practice and prepare before each circle.
- Your willingness to foster a supportive space for all circle members.
About Marti Beddoe — Your WBW Circle Guide

For over 50 years I have witnessed the healing power of Beauty to transform individuals and communities.
Here’s what I know:
- A life without Beauty is soul crushing and toxic for the mind and body.
- Beauty is a human need.
- Beauty is a balm, an elixir for the body, mind, and spirit.
- Cultivating Beauty is a practice that brings spiritual unfoldment.
- Beauty is good for what ails you!
- Beauty is a Light in the Heart.
Marti Beddoe first encountered SoulCollage® in 2005 and, in typical fashion, called a circle of her friends to learn and share this wonderful practice. Fifteen years later, that peer-led circle still meets monthly! Circle time together has become a special sanctuary for its members to fulfill the SoulCollage® promise to “Discover Your Wisdom and Change Your World.”™ In October 2007, Marti was fortunate to train as a Facilitator with Seena B. Frost, the birth-mother of SoulCollage®.
Read More about Marti Beddoe …
Marti has been called a practical mystic who gracefully blends creativity, spirituality, and practicality in all she does. She brings over four decades of experience equipping hundreds of people of all ages and backgrounds to claim the inner and outer resources needed to be happy in work and love. For over fifteen years, her meditation practice and her work as a meditation teacher in the Kriya Yoga lineage have created a solid foundation of wisdom, joy, and beauty.
Marti facilitates her SoulCollage® work and other programs in the sanctuary of circle where each person has the spaciousness to listen to and express their inner wisdom in the presence of respectful community.
Marti Beddoe has served the SoulCollage® community as Associate Editor of the Neter Letter and contributed to several writing projects including the 2017 e-book, “Seena Frost Answers Questions About SoulCollage®.” In 2011, she served with Anne Marie Bennett as Co-chair of the SoulCollage® Facilitators Conference where she introduced the Circle Way practice as a facilitating tool.
Marti and her Illinois peer circle support JoAnn Flynn, a Connecticut, U.S.A. SoulCollage® Facilitator who ministers to women in prison. Marti also serves as Mentor/Coach to other Facilitators who wish to start their own peer circle or who want to use Circle Way practices as a container for their teaching.
Marti’s greatest joy is encouraging others to know, do, and be more of who they truly are—their SoulEssence—which is truly what makes for a more beautiful, harmonious world!

Read More about what Walking the Beauty Way participants say …
My heart and soul ached to immerse myself in Beauty and Enchantment. I also ached for a mentor and guide to share this path with me. Now I have your Beauty, intelligence, presence and mentorship. I have more new “tools” than I ever expected to receive in such a short time…
I realize this is a lifelong practice that requires awareness and nurturing. The Blessing is once you have them, they are never gone, and you can return to them as you become aware.

Upper MichiganWalking the Beauty Way has shifted the way I am experiencing my own life journey. As someone who’s always struggled to balance the many areas of my life, I find this level of SoulCollage® work pulls a lot of my pieces together. The Walking the Beauty Way course has helped me thread together where I’ve been, where I am now, and envision where I’d like to be going. The work has shifted my perspective, effectively shifting my reality.

Western Springs, IllinoisWalking the Beauty Way course provides both a deeply spiritual approach to lifestyle change as well as specific “how-to’s” for daily life. Marti’s skills as a facilitator/mentor are firmly grounded in her own spiritual discipline. Her preparation and presentation always includes thorough background information, a creative assortment of tools and materials, along with the flexibility and willingness to tailor the class to specific needs as they arise—a winning combination! I know I will continue to use the practices I learned as I move forward in life.

Elmhurst, ILThank you so much for the amazing retreat experience and all the love, time, energy and resources that you poured into making this a huge success. The experience will resonate with me forever!
I felt so very nurtured by the many aspects of Beauty—from the space to the rituals to the many tools. The guidance was very well-rounded, incorporating so many varied and deep aspects of our inner selves, our spiritual lives, our inner connections and the practices needed to take us deeply into our inner answers.

St. Charles, ILMy heart and soul ached to immerse myself in Beauty and Enchantment. I also ached for a mentor and guide to share this path with me. Now I have your Beauty, intelligence, presence and mentorship. I have more new “tools” than I ever expected to receive in such a short time…
I realize this is a lifelong practice that requires awareness and nurturing. The Blessing is once you have them, they are never gone, and you can return to them as you become aware.

Boise, ID
Walking the Beauty Way Circle
June 21 to August 30, 2020
Registration is CLOSED.
Walking the Beauty Way Circle, June 21 to August 30, 2020
I look forward to our journey on the Path of Beauty!
6 online circles, Beauty Way Treasure Chest,
audio & video recordings,
private Facebook group, handouts,
email support from Marti Beddoe.
A good friend has provided the first scholarship to cover the tuition of someone in need. If you feel moved to offer someone financial help so they may be part of the circle, please Contact me.
What’s Next?
After you register and enroll, we will send you info about how to call in to the online circle. We’ll also send you details about how to prepare for the first circle session plus a supplies list for your sacred art piece.
Please ask Marti any questions you have by using our Contact page.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal
and give strength to body and soul.
— John Muir